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How to Add CBD to Your Fitness Routine

How to Add CBD to Your Fitness Routine

How to Add CBD to Your Fitness Routine

If you're serious about your fitness routine, you know every component matters. From the foods you eat to the supplements you take, it affects how well your body performs during exercise and how quickly you recover afterward. One way to complement your workout that's been gaining traction lately is Cannabidiol (CBD).

What is CBD? 

CBD is a compound derived from various hemp and cannabis plant varieties. Unlike THC—which is also found in cannabis plants and gets users "high"—CBD does not produce any psychoactive effects. Instead, it offers numerous health benefits, such as reducing inflammation and pain. As such, it can be safely used by fitness enthusiasts and athletes looking to support their intense training schedules and improve their overall performance. 

Are CBD Products Legal?

Yes! CBD is legal in the United States and many other countries. Hemp products must contain 0.3% THC or less to be permitted in the U.S. Many people are using CBD for fitness-related purposes and taking advantage of its natural health benefits. Our products are sourced from quality hemp suppliers who comply with all federal and local laws. As such, you can be sure that you're getting high-quality, safe CBD products.

I'm Competing—Can I Still Use CBD?

Yes! The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) removed CBD from its prohibited substances list. Athletes can use it while competing, benefiting from its anti-inflammatory properties to improve overall performance and reduce potential aches or pains. In addition, CBD has been linked to improved sleep and mental clarity, which can benefit athletes training for competitions. However, checking with your sport's governing body is essential to ensure CBD is allowed, as some sports may still have restrictions. Additionally, THC at all levels is still prohibited by WADA, so you may want to stick to a broad-spectrum or isolate CBD product.

What Are the Benefits of CBD for Fitness?

CBD has been widely studied and known to offer a range of health benefits, but it can also be an essential tool for those pursuing a fitness lifestyle.

CBD For Focus

CBD may help to improve focus and concentration with physical activity. This can ultimately help you push yourself further and reach your fitness goals. It's also helpful in letting go of anxiousness that may hold you back from reaching your full potential.

CBD For Muscle Soreness

For athletes looking to build muscle, studies have shown that compounds in CBD can reduce inflammation and soreness of muscles after strenuous exercise. Post-workout recovery is critical for any fitness routine, and CBD may be a great way to get your body back in shape faster.

CBD For Sleep

Getting restful sleep is essential to building muscle, and regular use of CBD may improve sleep quality. This helps the body recover from intense exercise quicker, so you can work out more frequently without negatively affecting your overall performance. In addition, better sleep equals better performance and focus during training.

These are just a few of the benefits that CBD can offer for fitness enthusiasts. CBD might be the perfect addition to your routine if you want to take your workouts to the next level!

Does CBD Enhance Performance?

The answer isn't black and white. While CBD does offer numerous benefits for fitness routines, it's not a performance-enhancing supplement in the traditional sense. It won't give you sudden bursts of energy or strength, but it may help you to perform better and recover quicker after workouts. Ultimately, the decision is up to you!

How Can I Incorporate It Into My Workouts? 

If you're interested in adding CBD to your fitness routine, there are several ways that you can do so: 

  • Take a capsule or tincture before working out – This helps reduce inflammation and pain levels while providing energy and focus throughout the workout session. Add a few drops of CBD oil to your pre-workout shake or smoothie – This is an easy way to get the benefits of CBD while still enjoying your favorite pre-workout drink.
  • Use topicals during and after workouts – Many athletes use topicals during their workouts to provide a cooling sensation which helps reduce muscle soreness and helps them push through intense sessions. After, you can use topicals to speed up recovery time. Topicals typically come in lotions or creams that can be applied directly onto the skin for quick relief.  
  • Consume edibles post-workout – Edibles are easy to get all the benefits of CBD without taking pills or tinctures before or during your workout. Edibles come in many delicious flavors and are an enjoyable way to boost recovery after exercise sessions. 

An excellent benefit of CBD is you can use topicals as needed and combine them safely with tinctures and edibles. Topicals, such as balms and creams, are applied directly to the skin and provide localized relief without entering the bloodstream.

What Are the Side Effects of CBD?

While most people report no side effects from using CBD, there are some potential risks. CBD can interact with certain medications, so it's important

All in all, incorporating CBD into your fitness routine can help reduce inflammation and pain levels while providing additional energy and focus throughout the workout session. It can also help with muscle soreness post-workout for enhanced recovery time.

To get started with incorporating CBD into your fitness regimen, try Medigreens broad spectrum hemp extract products today! Our premium quality hemp oil comes in tinctures, topicals, and edibles—allowing you to customize the best method! With Medigreens on board, achieving peak performance has never been easier!

Besides quality, our products stand apart from other brands—Nanotechnology.

What is Nanotechnology?

Nanotechnology is breaking down CBD molecules into smaller particles to achieve maximum absorption in your body. With its smaller form, your body can absorb and utilize the active CBD compounds more efficiently for better results. Additionally, you need less of our products than other brands, saving you money and time.

Experience the benefits of CBD with Medigreens, and start incorporating the popular and potent hemp compound into your fitness routine today!